S. Sivakumar
S. Sivakumar
"In the last decade, we began to recognize that firm-centric organizations are losing ground, and a new way of co-creating value is taking hold. Paradigm shifts are necessarily slow revolutions. But, this book neatly synthesizes all that we know today about co-creation, while showing the way forward in the next generation of value creation. Whether you want to build a co-creative enterprise, or are intellectually curious about the shifting world of business, this book is for you."
—S. Sivakumar
Group Head - Agri & IT Businesses
ITC Limited
S. Sivakumar
"Co-creation as a concept caught the imagination of managers since the time Future of Competition was published. It's now set to become a popular movement with a "ready-to-roll" execution framework so lucidly detailed in this book, laced with so many live examples. Convergence of public, private and social sectors through the idea of multi-level engagement platforms has the power to actually co-create a new world order!”
—S. Sivakumar
Chief Executive - Agri Businesses
ITC Limited