Bringing a Positive Lens to Business: Co-Creation Based View of Enterprises
Gave a talk in the POS Links Seminar Series on Bringing a Positive Lens to Business: Co-Creation Based View of Enterprises.

Embracing Co-Creation for Strategic Innovation - IMD-Tantum, Switzerland

Conducted a Tantum Workshop at IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Thanks to Bill Fischer (and Mathias Mangels and Alexandre Grutman).
Nottingham Business School - Engaging Customers

Gave a keynote on The Co-Creation Paradigm of Value Creation.
Thanks to Kim Cassidy.
Special thanks to Richard Straub.
Future Sights

Engaged with CEOs and senior leaders at Future Sights, Bangalore on Co-Creating India 2030.
Thanks to Bhupendra Sharma.

Engaged with Business Heads and Senior Executives at a CII-ITC Workshop on Innovation, Sustainability, and Co-Creation.
Co-Creating a Co-Creative Enterprise

Interview-based article on Mahindra’s Co-Creative Transformation in Developing Leaders: Executive Education in Practice.
Tantum Co-Creation Workshop, Lausanne Switzerland

Conducted a Tantum Co-Creation Workshop.
Thanks to Mathias Mangels and Alexandre Grutman
Gestão Estratégica no setor público, Brazil

Keynote at a Public Sector Conference in Brasilia, Brazil, followed by a Workshop.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

SEBRAE, Brazil

Engaged with executives at SEBRAE, in the Brazilian public sector.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

American Chamber of Commerce- Brazil

Gave a keynote speech at the American Chamber of Commerce, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

Business Design - Harvard Business Review Conference - Brazil

Gave a Keynote Speech at the Harvard Business Review Business Design Conference in São Paulo, Brazil.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

Marisa, Brazil

Engaged with senior management Marisa, Brazil, courtesy Andre Coutinho.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

Complexity Science Group, Business School Sao Paulo, Brazil

Gave a talk and engaged with Faculty and Students at the Complexity Science Group, Business School São Paulo.
Thanks to André Coutinho.

Novartis Workshop, Phuket

Conducted a workshop for Novartis, along with Mathias Mangels, Tantum and Francis Kurz, Exclusive Experience.
Co-Creation and Innovation - Bogota, Colombia

Gave a talk and conducted a Tantum workshop on Co-Creation and Innovation in Bogota, Colombia.
A Theory of Co-Creation

Presented to faculty and doctoral students on “A Theory of Co-Creation” at the Ross School of Business.