Co-Creating the Future

Life-Experience Value Co-Creation

Clarion Call - Value Co-Creation


Engagement with the Clarion group.


Engagement with ITC Businesses


Follow up engagement with ITC businesses following
ITC senior management workshop.


Creating a Culture of Co-Creation - Ross ITC Workshop


Engaged with senior management of all ITC businesses on Building a Culture of Co-creation.

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Clarion Executive Co-Creation Community VCC 2.0 WebEx

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Co-Creating Positive Business

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Conducted a workshop at the Ross Positive Business Conference.


Leading Edge Forum - Washington DC - Building Your Firm from the Outside-In

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Gave a keynote speech on Co-Creating Value With Your Customers and Stakeholders.


Leading Edge Forum - Video Series

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Clarion Executive Co-Creation Community VCC 2.0 WebEx

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Value Co-Creation Forum - Clarion Group

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2014-04 Clarion Value Co-Creation Forum - Photos


The Co-Creation Paradigm book release - Stanford University Press

Ramaswamy & Ozcan CCP BookCover

Read the Preface

Synopsis from Publisher:

A fundamental shift is underway that will change how we conceive of value. In an era of increasing interconnectedness, individuals, as opposed to institutions, stand at the center of value creation. To adapt to this tectonic shift, organizations can no longer unilaterally devise products and services. They must engage stakeholders—from customers and employees to suppliers, partners, and citizens at large—as co-creators.

Co-creation guru Venkat Ramaswamy and Kerimcan Ozcan call for enterprises to be mindful of lived experiences, to build engagement platforms and management systems that are designed for creative collaboration, and to develop "win more-win more" strategies that enhance our wealth, welfare, and, well-being. Richly illustrated with examples of co-creation in action,
The Co-Creation Paradigm provides a blueprint for the co-creative enterprise, economy, and society, while presenting a conceptual framework that will guide organizations across sectors in adopting this transformational approach. Challenging some of our most deeply held ideas about business and value, this book outlines the future of "business as usual."


Venkat Ramaswamy and
Kerimcan Ozcan. 2014. The Co-Creation Paradigm.
Redwood City: Stanford University Press.


Visit the curated Wiki on Co-Creation Theory & Practice to dive deeper into The Co-Creation Paradigm. [Forthcoming in Spring 2014]

vrcroppedkerimcan3 Visit Kerimcan Ozcan’s website.