South America
Business Design - Harvard Business Review Conference - Brazil

Gave a Keynote Speech at the Harvard Business Review Business Design Conference in São Paulo, Brazil.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

Gestão Estratégica no setor público, Brazil

Keynote at a Public Sector Conference in Brasilia, Brazil, followed by a Workshop.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

SEBRAE, Brazil

Engaged with executives at SEBRAE, in the Brazilian public sector.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

American Chamber of Commerce- Brazil

Gave a keynote speech at the American Chamber of Commerce, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

Marisa, Brazil

Engaged with senior management Marisa, Brazil, courtesy Andre Coutinho.

Thanks to André Coutinho.

Complexity Science Group, Business School Sao Paulo, Brazil

Gave a talk and engaged with Faculty and Students at the Complexity Science Group, Business School São Paulo.
Thanks to André Coutinho.

Value Creation, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gave a talk at a Symnetics sponsored event in Buenos Aires on “A New Paradigm of Value Creation”.
Customer Experience Management, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Conducted a Symnetics sponsored workshop on “Customer Experience Management”, with ECC Partnership.

Strategy & Innovation Summit, Bogota

Gave a keynote and engaged in discussions at a Tantum-Symnetics sponsored event on “Co-Creation” in Bogota, Colombia.

HSM ExpoManagement Sao Paulo, Brazil - Drucker Centennial

Gave a Keynote on Co-Creating the Future at the HSM ExpoManagement Summit in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Gestao, Jornal do Comercio, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Coverage in the the Porto Alegre newspaper.
Thanks to André Ribeiro Coutinho at Symnetics.

PGQP, Brazil
Gave a keynote at the PGQP 11º Congresso Internacional da Gestão, Porto Alegre.

Thanks to Andre Coutinho and Rogerio Caiuby.

HMV, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Engaged with Dr. João Polanczyk , CEO, Hospital Moinhos de Vento, senior management, doctors, nurses, and other stakeholders in the HMV health care system.

Co-Creative Government - Brazil

Made a presentation and engaged with public sector entities in Brazil via videoconference.
Thanks to Andre Coutinho for organizing it.
HSM Brazil - Co-Creating the Future with a Homage to the late C. K. Prahalad
Embracing Co-Creation in Public Innovation and Value Creation at the CONGEP Annual Congress in Brasilia

Keynote on Embracing Co-Creation in Public Innovation and Value Creation at the SBGC CONGEP Annual Congress in Brasilia, Brazil.
Thanks to Andre Coutinho.
Co-Creation and Innovation - Bogota, Colombia

Gave a talk and conducted a Tantum workshop on Co-Creation and Innovation in Bogota, Colombia.
Ross MBA Sao Paulo Brazil

Engaged with Ross alumni in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2015-03-26 Ross Alumni Sao Paulo Brazil - Photos - iCloud