Ramaswamy, Venkat and Andre Coutinho. 2009. "Co-Creation of Value: Innovation in Brazil", Symnetics Report (May).
Tags: practice, spotlight, NonEnglish
Ramaswamy, Venkat. 2009. "Are You Ready for the Co-Creation Movement?". IESE Insights, Third Quarter (2), 29-35.
View/DownloadTags: academic, practice, spotlight, vita
Ramaswamy, Venkat. 2009. "Co-creation of value - towards an expanded paradigm of value creation." Marketing Review St. Gallen no. 26 (6):11-17.
View/DownloadTags: academic, spotlight, vita, practice
Frigo, Mark L., and Venkat Ramaswamy. 2009. "Co-Creating Strategic Risk-Return Management." Strategic Finance (May): 25–33.
View/DownloadTags: spotlight, practice, vita
Ramaswamy, Venkat. 2009. "Leading the transformation to co-creation of value." Strategy & Leadership no. 37 (2):32-37.
Winner of the Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Article.
View/DownloadTags: academic, practice, spotlight, vita