Ramaswamy , Venkat. 2007. “Design and Co-Creation”, Science of Machine, 59, 1, January. (Japanese).
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Prahalad, C. K., and Venkat Ramaswamy. 2000. "Co-opting Customer Competence." Harvard Business Review no. 78 (1):79-87.
Japanese version of the bestselling Harvard Business Review article that introduced the revolutionary concept of “Co-Creation” with customers.
View/DownloadTags: NonEnglish, practice
Ramaswamy, Venkat 2002. “Die neue Kraft der Käufer” Stadtansichten.
Tags: NonEnglish, practice
Ramaswamy, Venkat (2012). "CoCriando O Futuro." Harvard Business Review Brasil 90 (6): 20-29.
Tags: NonEnglish, spotlight, practice, vita
Ramaswamy, Venkat and Andre Coutinho. 2013. "Impulsionando A CoCriacao No Setor Publico", Symnetics Report (May).
Tags: practice, spotlight, NonEnglish, vita
Ramaswamy, Venkat (2011), "Plataforma->CoCriação->desenvolvimento," HSM Magazine.
Tags: practice, NonEnglish, vita, spotlight
Ramaswamy, Venkat and Andre Coutinho. 2009. "Co-Creation of Value: Innovation in Brazil", Symnetics Report (May).
Tags: practice, spotlight, NonEnglish
Ramaswamy, Venkat and Andre Coutinho. 2013. "Engajamento E Empreendedorismo Social”, DOM, 22, 58-65.
Tags: practice, spotlight, NonEnglish, vita
Andre Coutinho and Venkat Ramaswamy, 2010. "CoCriacao Made in Brazil." DOM (Mar-June, 11). 17-23.
Tags: academic, practice, spotlight, NonEnglish, vita