Journal of Marketing Research
Choice Menus for Mass Customization - An Experimental Approach for Analyzing Customer Demand with an Application to a Web-based Information Service

Liechty, John, Venkatram Ramaswamy, and Steven H. Cohen (2001), “Choice Menus for Mass Customization: An Experimental Approach for Analyzing Customer Demand with an Application to a Web-based Information Service,” Journal of Marketing Research, May, 183-196.
Reply to a Note on Ramaswamy et al.’s Latent Joint Segmentation Models

Ramaswamy, Venkatram, Rabikar Chatterjee, and Steven H. Cohen (1999), “Reply to a Note on Ramaswamy et al.’s Latent Joint Segmentation Models,” Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February), 115-119.
Joint Segmentation on Distinct Interdependent Bases with Categorical Data

Ramaswamy, Venkatram, Rabikar Chatterjee, and Steven H. Cohen (1996), “Joint Segmentation on Distinct Interdependent Bases with Categorical Data,” Journal of Marketing Research, 33 (August), 337-350.
Finalist for Paul E. Green Award for Best Paper.
Analyzing Constant-Sum Multiple Criterion Data - A Segment-Level Approach

SCULPTRE - A New Methodology for Deriving and Analyzing Hierarchical Product-Market Structures from Panel Data

Ramaswamy, Venkat and Wayne S. DeSarbo (1990), "SCULPTRE: A New Methodology for Deriving and Analyzing Hierarchical Product-Market Structures from Panel Data," Journal of Marketing Research, 27 (November), 418-427.
Based on a Ph.D. dissertation (Wharton School), co-chaired by Professors Wayne S. DeSarbo and David J. Reibstein.