Ramaswamy, Venkat and Kerimcan Ozcan. 2012. "CEOs Must Engage All Stakeholders." Harvard Business Review OnPoint (Fall): 10-11.
View/DownloadTags: spotlight, practice, vita
Ramaswamy, Venkat (2012). "CoCriando O Futuro." Harvard Business Review Brasil 90 (6): 20-29.
Tags: NonEnglish, spotlight, practice, vita
Ramaswamy, Venkat, and Francis J. Gouillart. "Building the Co-Creative Enterprise." Harvard Business Review no. 88 (10):100-109, 2010.
A “Big Idea” article.
Tags: practice, spotlight, vita
Prahalad, C. K., and Venkat Ramaswamy. 2000. "Co-opting Customer Competence." Harvard Business Review no. 78 (1):79-87.
Japanese version of the bestselling Harvard Business Review article that introduced the revolutionary concept of “Co-Creation” with customers.
View/DownloadTags: NonEnglish, practice
Prahalad, C. K., and Venkat Ramaswamy. 2000. "Co-opting Customer Competence." Harvard Business Review no. 78 (1):79-87.
This article introduced the revolutionary concept of “Co-Creation” with customers.
Harvard Business Review Bestseller.
View/DownloadTags: spotlight, vita, practice